Friday, September 30, 2005
Wilson asked me to update my blog. but i don't have much to say nowadays. but anyhow i'll just post something. i figured that i'll think of something to blog about along the way....
1 hour later......
2 hours later.....
3 hours later....
Didya think this is never gonna end?
OK i think i know what to write now.
I wanna talk about my feet. i think they're hideous. maybe it's genetic. maybe it's cos i play too much sports (teehee). maybe i sing too much. maybe cos i never study for my GEM. maybe cos i don't like brinjals. whatever the case is, why can't i have nice slim & smooth feet with healthy and glowy nails like this:

the hands also so nice.
I'm very bothered about my ugly feet now. see lah! people aften neglect their feet! so important! both of them. they support your entire weight! all ** kg of it. you kick/jump/walk/run/dance and make them go through all the shit and you never take care of them! how can??! aiyo....
Come, after some extensive research, lemme tell you what your feet absolutely hates:
1. They don't like the nails to be cut too short. This is a good way to encourage ingrown toenails. Be sure to cut them straight across.
2. Toenails don't like to be stained yellow. That is exactly what happens when you don't use a protective basecoat before applying a dark color.
3. If you are going to remove polish, don't use a tissue. It just doesn't work and usually makes a mess. Try both and see for yourself.
4. They really don't like it when they are polished and then forgotten for weeks on end.
Letting polished nails grow out along with the polish... looks horrible.
5. Unkempt cuticles... not pretty with sandals.
6. Pushing them into pointy toed shoes. They hate that the most!
7. Toes also don't like bunions. Your big toe is the target if it is rubbed against your shoe on a regular basis.
8. Plain and simple... toes don't like to be ignored. Toes love to be pampered. A good foot massage on a regular basis is a good way to get back into their good graces!
Not difficult right. but all of the above stated don't apply to me leh. so how???
No fret! i know the exact thing that i need. a luxurious PEDICURE! (woohoo!)
Based on my reliable research, here's how:
1. Before you go to bed, apply a generous amount of petrolem jelly and massage into your feet. Place a pair of socks over the jelly and leave them on all night.
2. This might take a few nights of TLC, so don't stop until your feet are soft and silky.
3. Now turn your attention to your toes. To soften the cuticles, soak your feet in warm water for 15 minutes.
4. Dry your feet with a big, fluffy towel and then apply some lotion to your feet. They can never be too soft.
5. Do your nails need clipping? If they do, clip and then use an emery board to smooth any rough edges.
6. Gently push back the cuticles. And I do mean gently if you haven't done it in a while.
7. Moisten a cotton ball and rub over the toenail. This will remove any oily residue from the lotions used.
8. Now you can paint your toenails. If you are looking for a pedicure that lasts, start off with a basecoat, followed by your favorite polish and then finish with a top coat to seal it in.
9. Give your polish time to dry. Most people skip this step. It might feel dry to the touch, but polish takes a good fifteen minutes to thoroughly dry.
So much work right! aiyo... just for the perfect silky feet. sigh! maybe i'll just go to some funky-looking nail shop and plead them to save my poor rejected feet. could be cheaper than purchasing tubs of petroleum jelly and lotion.
SO the conclusion of the day is to STOP ABUSE FEET. it's for a good cause. unless if you want your feet to look like this:

Don't believe you try lah!
dara left a footprint @
12:04 AM
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Whee~! came back from joel's surprise birthday party which his MUM organised for him. how cool is that. you're 19 and your MUM calls up all your friends to give you a surprise. i want a mum like that too. in fact, i want my son to be like joel. he's sucha mummy's boy. i like. i want my boy to ask:" mummy where're you going?" everytime when i'm going out even when he's 19.
and he'll buy me precious moments all the time.
Went out for supper with 6 other hall mates in a space wagon a few days back. after filling our stomachs we became high on the glucose then decided to venture into changi village at 3am plus. saw not 1 not 2 not 3 not 4 but groups of ahems that brandon's always telling me about. cool. (at this point of time, grace frantically decided to lock the car doors).
Funny rongren the driver looked as though he intended to circle the area a few times which is WRONG. we were pratically gawking at them as though we're visiting the night safari.
Ok. what an eventful night already. but of all events that can happen, we spotted one of the 'ahems' getting into a car. of all directions that he could drive towards, funny rongren the driver decided to tail them.... until the car disappeared into a secluded carpark... we HAD to lose them don't we.
I'm sure most people reading this would know what the 'ahem's i'm talking about. whenever i think of them i'll get reminded of brandon's famous :"aei... ah bing ge... lai lai lai..." BRRR. i think the ah bing ges intended to go geylang, not here.
I was excessively amused than disturbed. something must be terribly wrong with me.
dara left a footprint @
2:17 AM
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Hi! since i didn't know what the f-.... fish i want in life so i thought HEY! let's do a personality test! it might be able to tell me something yeah! and this is wat i got from Get to know yourself better. (i'm so sorry that i'm not able to link this due to some obscure reason)
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:
You have many goals and want to achieve as much as you can. The jobs you enjoy are those that let you burn off your considerable excess energy.
How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.
Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.
WHat the hELL STUPID get to know yourself better shiT! what'dya meanYou like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?
You like to flirt and behave seductively.
You like to flirt and behave seductively.
You like to flirt and behave seductively.
You like to flirt and behave seductively.
You like to flirt and behave seductively.
Who thinks it's true raise up your hand!!!
What a senseless and juvenile test.
dara left a footprint @
1:16 AM
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Hi here's a nice picture to cheer myself up while i THINK. i hardly can find any nice photos OF MYSELF ONLY.

dara left a footprint @
2:30 AM
Monday, September 19, 2005
Ok i realised what's my problem when i said i feel that i might never fall in love again. it's because i'm afraid of committment and that's because i don't wanna break up again and that's because it makes me sad and depressed boohoo. it makes me go crazy and do bad things to people which results in them having to be VERY tolerant.
That is why for 12 months i was just waiting around for a-miracle-to-happen-that-can-make-me-more-confident-of-myself.
Till now it hasn't.
And i'm thinking it might never.
So i thought that sucks.
And then you might say that i think too much. Use your heart! don't use your brain! your brain so lousy, of not much use anyway! save it for better use lah! like exams of something.
But i keep THINKING that if i feel too much and not THINK i'll be letting myself down cos i'm not being LOGICAL and whatever i feel will not make SENSE.
I like to think. No wonder i'm indecisive.
When people say 'i heart you' i probably say 'i brain you'.
Maybe i should just take things easier. maybe with a grain of salt or something.
Let's talk about my cousin now. cousin kaikai is going oxford to study law! *gasp! your cousin so smart! you never inherit the genes are. *sniggers
Anyhow... yes my cousin is freakingly good. i brain him. i grew up calling him kaikai. but now that i'm 19 and he's 21, it's kinda weird to call him kaikai still, especially since we're not on very close terms. and another cousin weiwei. i don't call him weiwei anymore. and another cousin called xiao niu (little cow). i might still call him xiao niu now and then.
Back to kaikai. it's quite an irony that we only thought of exchanging msn contacts when he's going overseas. i guess that's how distance can make you grow closer.
Talking about oxford, i'll think of myself in NUS. thinking about NUS, i'll start to think about my 4-day mid-term break. and i still don't understand how why where what who when. the break starts from monday ends on thurdays. so new term starts on a friday hence the 1st week ends on a thursday. so would all the other weeks. so basically this fri belongs to odd week up till thurs where i'll have sociology tutorial and no econs tutorial. the fri after this thurs belongs to even week up till the next thurs where i'll have no soci tutorial but my econs one. darn confused? you bet i am too!!!
Whew. this is making my life more complicated than ever. but i cannot insult NUS here in case some desparados are spending time reading random blogs to see if we write anything offensive so that they can sue us. whew. if you ask me, that's even a greater waste of time then asking me to walk 5km for the NUS heritage walk. pooh! seriously got nothing better to do isit.
dara left a footprint @
1:57 AM
Thursday, September 15, 2005
In light of my english language test at 8am tomorrow, let me tell you about...
Why English Is So Hard To Learn
We must polish the Polish furniture.
He could lead if he could get the lead out.
The farmer used to produce produce.
The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuses.
The soldier decided to desert in the desert.
This was a good time to present the present.
A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum.
When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.
I did not object to the object.
The insurance was invalid for the invalid.
The bandage was wound around the wound.
There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.
They were too close to the door to close it.
The buck does funny things when the does are present.
They sent a sewer down to stitch a tear in the sewer line.
To help with the planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.
The wind was too strong to wind the sail.
After a number of injections my jaw got number.
Upon seeing the tear in my clothes i shed a tear.
I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.
How can i intimate this to my most intimate friend?
dara left a footprint @
5:46 PM
Sunday, September 11, 2005

I'm scared that... i might never fall in love again. haha you laugh! but it's true! i might be able to live with someone but i might not be able to feel myself hopelessly smitten and dizzy with love which could make me feel like the world is beautiful and perfect again.
That sucks.
dara left a footprint @
11:51 PM
Everything wants a part of me! studies/kr choir/other hall stuff/friends/family/sleep etcetc i don't have enough time. so why am i spending my precious time whining here???
While blogging i can hear my readings screaming for my attention.
I feel so tired sometimes. tired of putting up a front. tired of smiling and trying to look happy and friendly to people. i mean i really wanna be friendly to people. but sometimes i don't feel too friendly but i still have to try to be friendly. know what i mean?
The friends i make in school could be so superficial. 90% of them don't really give a damn i'm sure.
SO political! SO competitive! SO superficial!
I'm constantly aware of how much my hall mates are and how little i am. honestly, most of them not only excel in studies. they can play handball basketball soccer swim run hop jump THEN they can sing play piano dance AND be super sociable at the same time. THEN they are some president or chair of some club/team/committee simultaneously. so what am i doing here?? qingyou picked the wrong person in man.
Not that i'll just continue being a slug. i can only try my best to achieve more. with low capabilities you'll only be looked down upon.
I love the people in E block. i really do. although i might not totally agree with the way they run things. therefore i hate to see some of my friends unhappy with the block. i hate to hear things like : "i wanna move to other blocks." it makes me sad. boohoo.
I sound so woeful. woe is me. bOO! i miss my old friends. but i have so little time for them.
dara left a footprint @
12:54 AM
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
I can't believe that after one entire year people are still discussing about our break up. i've been putting up with all the rumours and gossips coming from all channels for months. i didn't even know we were THAT high profile.
I know i should have said this earlier but... i'm sorry i'm not really interested in knowing what other people are rumouring about him or me, regardless of whether they're true or not. it's very hurtful. people can say what they want but i'm not interested to know ya. because i still hold the initial belief that he has done as much as possible what he thought was good for me. because i already realised long ago that there's no point habouring bad feelings for anyone cos you'll only be torturing yourself.
So there's no point telling me what kinda stories have been going around.
I'm sick of this sh*t.
I'm living my new life now.
I'm sorry if they're still stuck there.
I'm not feeling depressed.
If i'm down i can go look for ah zek's moo moo:

IBG has officially ended. the defending champion didn't manage to defend the champion (which means us). but it's ok. i'm not depressed either. i've never, in my entire life, played in so many games before: soccer netball frisbee handball... only 4 but considered a lot for a non-sports person like me. and out of these 4 we are champions for soccer and handball! wow the feeling of winning a game you're playing in was incredible.
So i guess IBG has achieved it's purpose for me. =)
OH and i gotta blog this funny little story down before i forget. my amnesia is bad.
Mingui is our rag chair cum self declared 3rd floor manager and my first impression of him was STERN. the way he scolded his rag helpers under stress. brr.
After rag someone told me that he often mingles around with our resident fellow's kids. (rf= administrator who lives in our block). one day the 2 kids went to his room to play when he wasn't around. they left something brown, wet and stinky behind. mingui came in and wondered what it was. he picked it up. he soon discovered that it was human shit. he questioned them. they accused him of shitting in his own room. the end.
This story was confirmed by the man himself. it's the funniest thing i've heard in hall so far. =p
I'm sure mingui doesn't know about my blog.
dara left a footprint @
3:20 AM
Saturday, September 03, 2005
I feel sick of IBG now. fortunately it's gonna be over soon. but i've decided not to be involved anymore after the much anticipated handball games.
The biggest reason was i felt that IBG has lost its purpose. i initially thought it was a channel for block and hall bonding. apparently quite a lot of people disagree so. instead it created a wider rift between some of us.
Yeah who doesn't wanna win. i wanna win too... i just thought it was secondary. i just thought as long as everyone put in their best and have fun... the purpose is met. are sacarstic remarks necessary? do you have to get THAT pissed for not winning? helloooo... please wake up... in that case you're gonna get pissed forever in life because you'll not get to win everytime.
This is not directed at anyone in particular. but certain groups of people in general.
In any case, i've done my part for IBG. i've come down to train and cheer in almost every game and played in some, although i'm not much of a sports person. 3 more games left and i just feel like catching up on my tutorials and sleep now.
Not wrong right?
dara left a footprint @
3:21 PM