Saturday, October 29, 2005
Hi! i've been blogging so infrequently that i think people have quit visiting. what, you think i so free like wilson??? heehee... kidding... wilson is a busy man...
Our E block door gifts are finally ready!! woohoo! so cutsy ootsy!

Here's a closer view of it...

Can you see the two words 'gong zhu'? (meaning princess) whee~ i'm a princess!! i SNIGGLE at those ditsy little girls still trapped in their childhood who calls themselves princesses (that's excluding having a 'princess' door hanger) but look carefully!! i didn't call myself a PRINCESS! it's pearline's handwriting ok...

Haha! i'm a princess recognized by her people! ok at least by pearline. but anyway... i am Jin Ling gong zhu! wahahaha....
What. you think princess very easy to be isit. wah lau eh do you know how much hardship & trauma princesses have to suffer from? look at princess diana... the most beautiful & kind princess in the world... had to end her life in such a tragedy. look at cinderella! tortured by her evil stepsisters and stepmother, got forced to do housework and sleep beside the cinder and worst of all, be called an ash girl!! tsktsk. so poor thing... aurora had to get pricked by a needle and sleep for 100 years??? snow white had to suffer the trauma of nearly getting murdered + wilderness of the forest + the thoughts of the 7 dwarfs being gay + eating a lousy apple and terminating respiration for a while.
need i say more???
*Sweats. so you see... it's tough being a princess...
By the way do i resemble eeyore in any way? haha... cos my gummibear gave me this:

From charlie
And my baby bear gave me this:

From wilson
during the revelation of carebear gummibears! it's the angel mortal game where the angel is called a carebear/gummibear and the mortal is a babybear. heehees... funny that both of my bears are people that i talk quite a lot to in the first place already...
We went to Jalan Asia recently.

The people were so small that my slipper could easily flatten 5 of them at one go. splatt!

They have lots of colourful umbrellas.

i liked their trishaw a lot.

i think i look extremely fat here. if you have never seen jinling fat before, heres.
What a lovely place.

I love the esplanade. don't you?
dara left a footprint @
1:11 AM
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Let me retell a horrendous story that desiree told us one fine day. it made Por sad and cry. it was a grim story about an ill-fated hamster.
It happened that she has a friend who ownED a nice hamster. being a kind owner she is, she understands the value of freedom of roaming so her hamster is allowed to run around in the house. now from here onwards i'll try to present the story in the way desiree presented it to us.
"Her brother came into the room and accidentally stepped on the hamster's whiskers. it tried to run away but TORE(said in a loud voice) out his entire face with the whiskers instead. then it just shrivelled in pain and died."
Urgh. how gruesome. till this time the great story-teller has told the story at least 3 times and that hasn't dampen her enthusiasm any bit.
Don argued that it doesn't make sense. i mean, how could you tear your face out just like that? aren't the whiskers connected to the follicles like hair? and how could a little hamster have so much strength to tear out the entire face? i could see that this guy has serious doubt in the truth of this grim tale.
I dunno. i think the idea is just plain gross. maybe someone could help me find out how this could happen and educate me about it.
dara left a footprint @
2:33 PM
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Well i was about to do my econs tutorial when i have the sudden urge to blog. you see this happens when you become a frequent blogger. you feel the sudden queasiness when you haven't been blogging for some time. i felt like i had to blog in case someone somewhere out there is eagerly anticipating my next entry. although as usual i've got no inspiration or whatsoever regarding the subject to blog about. my life is boring you see. the exciting bits might get too exciting such that some people might get cardiac arrest (as if).
Aiya. what the hell. let's just blog about my random thoughts since i last blogged.
Took neoprints for the nth time. think it's the chioest neoprint i've ever taken though. muacks i love it sooo much but i shan't show it to people cos i know they'll say i look radically different on photos compared to the real person and the one in the photo looked damn chio and the real person looks like ahem. "IS THAT YOU??" no it's not i just got my twin sister to replace me in photos cos she looks chio and i don't. boohoo.
My jap is lousy indeed. why you need to get above 50/60 to reach a B (!!) and i only got like 37. freakin hell. i need to mug hard for jap. and sociology too. and e lang too. and econs too. and food safety and security too. soodesune.
Xiaxue's blog is so beautiful now. i'm sure no one does not know who's xiaxue. she's simply at but i shan't link her here. anyway, she was explaning about how normal people are fully authorised to use the toilet cubicles for the handicapped. honestly, i haven't thought of it as a controversy before cos i simply assumed that... you wanna use ah. then use loh. i don't see handicapped people around anyway. but i myself don't usually do that cos i just felt that... it's not for my use. in case someone who genuinely needed one comes by. it's not a big issue really. it's just whether you wanna wait a little bit longer to pee. i think xiaxue is trying to create a social upheaval. the government didn't create spacious cubicles for a battle of handicapped vs non handicapped.
People like nanny charlie uncle james cheeko desiree all call me silly girl. i'm that silly meh? no what. where got. today food monster fell down and bruised her kness. ouch! hope she gets well soon. if not she'll miss her daily trip to supper.
dara left a footprint @
10:14 PM
Friday, October 14, 2005
Apparently some people haven't been too agreeable to the title of my blog, with one of them even resorted to telling me that :" Love is not enough." in my face.
Maybe sometimes you can make life a little easier by faking ignorance. psycho yourself that everything would be good and you'll be fine. i'll be fine i'll be fine i'll be fine. yup. hence to see things from an optimistic point of view.... all you need is love. =)
Why do you think we frequently yearn to go back to the days when we were all young and innocent and protected from the knowledge that the world isn't perfect? wouldn't it be nice if we'd all be able to move on from our experiences and pain without a slightest concern?
The transition from a child to an adult is obviously not an easy one. how many heartbreaks do we need to go through before we can sit back and take things easier?
Having said that, i'm definitely not a person who can take all of my affairs with a pinch of salt. (even if you think i seem to be so). i'm constantly worrying agnotizing struggling tomenting tearing grueling bitching and thus in order to save myself from hell i tend to like to shut down sometimes and zi qi qi ren (bluff myself bluff others). so far i think it works fine.
I'm happy! really. =)
And in view of my 2nd english language test at 8am again, let me give you some Food For Thought:
Let's face it,
English is a crazy language.
There is no egg in the eggplant
No ham in the hamburger
And neither pine or apple in the pineapple.
English muffins were not invented in England
French fries were not invented in France.
We sometimes take English for granted
But if we examine its paradoxes we find that
Quicksand takes you down slowly
Boxing rings are square
And a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.
If writers write, how come fingers don't fing?
If the pural of tooth is teeth
Shouldn't the pural of phone booth be phone beeth?
If the teacher taught,
Why didn't the preacher praught?
If a vegetarian eats vegetables
What the heck does a humanitarian eat!?
Why do people recite at a play
Yet play at a recital?
Park on driveways and
Drive on parkways?
How can the weather be as hot as hell one day
And as cold as hell on another?
You have to marvel at the unique lunacy
Of a language where a house can burn up as
It burns down,
In which you fill in a form
By filling it out
And a bell is only heard once it goes!
English was invented by people, not computers
And it reflects the creativity of the human race
(Which of course isn't a race at all).
That is why
When the stars are out they are visible
But when the lights are out they are invisible.
And why it is that when i wind up my watch
It starts
But when i wind up this poem
It ends.
Richard Lederer
dara left a footprint @
12:54 AM
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Wei teck gave me this link to help me 'destress'.
Somehow felt that the more i play the more stressed i get cos i'm afraid to kena shit on my screen.
Sounds interesting? click here ---> Shit game
Ah zek scored a 89! the ultimate shitmaster!! *giggles
Crazy don is so drunk still dare to talk to me... ha! stupid idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dara left a footprint @
11:06 PM
Sunday, October 09, 2005
The Keys to Your Heart |
![]() You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.
Like wilson said, zhun boh? Teeheehee
dara left a footprint @
12:53 AM
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Weekend is here again! weekends always mean zero work done. but it's ok. just have fun and slog my ass out on weekdays.
Decisions decisions desicions. life is all about making decisions. decisions that could affect not only me but many others around as well. very carefully i think about every little decision i have to make each day. too careful, i might say sometimes. no matter how careful i am, i could never foresee the events chance has in store for me. nor am i able to manipulate them.
No one could see the internal struggle i face each day beneath my heeheehahas. but anyhow... right now i am very tightly...........
........*crossing my fingers =)
........*hoping that everything would be good
........*praying that we would be fine
........*desiring the world to be all bright and beautiful again!
And i'm free from my illness now!! special gratitude to:
Charlie for his flu tea and panadol
Pearline for her paracetamol
Ah zek for his porridge and herbal tea
PLUS don wilson anuja wenyan bra etcetcetc for your much appreciated care & concern :)
cos it totally SUX to be ill and away from home.
Oh and jiayou to poor cheeguan who's still stuck in poor ajc. yes you should have stopped coming online long ago haha but anyhow... jiayou~~~~~~~! to the rest of the poor juniors too. ;)
ps. when i said 'don't be sad i'm not sad cos it'll always be like that.' i'm actually really sad lah. just trying to sound brave. bah. ya but anyway don't be sad, be happy!!!!! v(^-^)v
dara left a footprint @
10:42 PM
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
I was still feeling drowsy with illness and sick with work+ tests when don called from camp. thanks for reminding me about dengue fever man. made me feel so much better. :s
And i've got a nice-looking bruise on my left shoulder from being hit by a SOFT(haha)BALL.
Yeah i know it should be common and i should be prepared. but wah lau eh. at least gimme some words of comfort can? not as if i deserved it. sobs.
I feel so NOT comforted. :'(
We had culture night! whee! it was fantastic! sensational! marvelous! superb!(like what the e-blockers would say, but somehow i don't take special liking to that word).
KR choir... some idiot took a candid shot =p :

When we were ready, we look like this:

The Sopranos. *shrills *glass breaks *kidding

The amazing 3rd floor angels! *beams. we are just so wonderful. yet mingui vowed never to step in. tsktsk. stupid mingui. hahaha... love is all you need.

grace, sherrilyn, siewtze, desiree, me, pearline.
4 4th floor boys. do you see derek? he is NUS mr elegant! woots! for real ok. no joke.

derek, willian, robin, rongren.

pearline, wilson, me

dearie pearline & i!
Finally........... E block! =)

dara left a footprint @
1:54 AM
Monday, October 03, 2005
I AM SICK (as in physically ill).
DO NOT disturb.
DO NOT take my broom without asking. don't think that i leave my broom outside means you can take it and use whenever you like. and leave so much hair on my broom somemore. just like how you leave uncleaned utensils around the kitchenette. DO NOT think i dunno.
DO NOT anyhow spread rumours. (or people's private matters) you lousy people corroding the society.
Thanks. Have a nice day!
dara left a footprint @
11:37 PM