Tuesday, February 28, 2006
I've got a nice sunburn now =D
When people ask me "what happened?", i usually tell them that in short, i went for the Asian Aerospace 2006 on saturday and it was a very sunny day. yes i burn that easily. just by sitting on the grass for an hour watching the fighter planes zooming around gave me a distinct tan line on my feet. but i was quite happy with the tan though, it seemed to make my complexion appear a tad less bad. and tan lines are sexy.
I had a great time there, disregarding the hellish weather. =D don's camera died so we didn't get to take many pictures. with my bimbo phone, i managed to take some pictures of the F-15 & F-16 and something called Bertley? i think.
Don seemed to think that i didn't understand much of what he was explaining to me, about planes and engines and more BOY stuff. to show that i'm really not a bimbo, let me tell you that.....
- We have no F-15, they will take some years to arrive, and the closest we have is the F-16. so when sunny warned the guys not to bully me in fear of "brandon shooting you down with his F-15", it's theoratically incorrect.
- [Opps! this piece of information is removed by the site owner]
- [Opps! this piece of information is removed by the site owner]
- The basic procedure of a plane engine is 1) suck 2) squeeze 3) bang 4) blow. take in the air, compress it, combustion then BANG and GO!
- The F-15 is the strongest and most powerful fighter plane that can perform stunts, i mean, perform maneuvers that other planes can't.
- And when you're doing stunts... er, i mean, zooming around left right upside down with the enemy at your tail, you could feel multiple times of gravity exerting on you. that's why i say pilots will have saggy skin. but he insisted that they get more muscular instead. whatever.
- The roundish flat thing on top of planes, is radar.
- The UAV is a man-less plane, controlled from the ground. can survey the vicinity with its camera.
- The A-380 is the biggest plane in the world and will first be launched by non-other than our very own Singapore airlines. great way to fly yeah.
Ok i think that's about enough to prove my intelligence. haha whee totally cool! planes are like, how fun, girlfriend!
dara left a footprint @
2:23 PM
Thursday, February 23, 2006
I've just visited wenyan's blog and i'm so jealous of her! i wanna go overseas too! some time ago i was telling Desiree that back then when i was young and naive, i USED TO think that university life is FUN and EXCITING where youngsters skateboard around campus and sit on grasses with lunch and discuss poetry. i'm like, SO depressed now.
dara left a footprint @
1:24 AM
OK more than 1 week has passed since vday but i'm blogging about it now. haha. i'm pretty busy you know.
SO anyway while i gloomily thought that he's gonna be stuck in camp on that fateful day, he called in the evening and happily announced that there's DELIVERY for me at the gate. whee! the delivered was the man himself! and while he was here he delivered some flowers and a pretty little jigsaw~

A dozen roses

Accompanied by a bear-so-sweet...

We complete the missing pieces!

A photo awfully taken but ack what the hell.

Love em' flowers!
In return i got him a binder, and drew... or rather attempted to draw some cute pictures and words... and inserted them into the binder. completely screwed up the fabric paint which promised to 'puff up' when heated with a hair-dryer HAHA. it gave me hell.

End product

Look closer, it's damn ugly. boohoo... sorry :'(
Despite the screwed up attempt, he seems to like it a lot. yay =)
Ok i realised that i'm really spoilt to death. a vday with good company good dinner good dessert good fireworks good flowers good present it's too GOOD to be true. maybe i'll get my retribution next year. =S
Thanks for everything ^-^
dara left a footprint @
12:58 AM
dara left a footprint @
12:58 AM
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Anuja was right! i did have a surprise. hehe... but let me show off some pics from saturday first. =)

I forgot whasit called. flaming something. but it's equivilent to fish n co's seafood platter for 2.
Don & i visited Manhatten fish market at plaza singapura and the above was our dinner! mmm.... not as good as fish and co i should say. but seafood pleases me anytime.
We took a long walk to the esplanade after dinner and chanced upon the thaipusam(is it spelled like that?) procession. whee~! took loads of pictures, mostly bad cos i'm too short and kept getting blocked by people.

They supported the weight by poking pins into their flesh!

Look at that! OUCH.

Kids carry a lighter load but some of them had thick rods pierced into their tongues.

That reminded us of candy floss & marshmallows.
We managed to reach the esplanade just in time to catch the cny fireworks, but i was so blocked by some lousy plastic-looking trees. grrr! but it was still nice to catch live fireworks! oooooooh i SO love fireworks. =D
Next up is Max Brenner's! i dunno what you actually call it but i guess it's like a chocolate cafe. We had something called the suckao which sounds damn crude. and chocolate fondue~!
Suckao comes with a nice candle pot, chocolate bits and and a tiny jug of milk.

So what you do is first poor some milk into the pot like what i'm doing here...

Look how cute these little apparatus are.
Then poor in some chocolate bits and let in melt.... stir it a bit... and then... you suck! up the liquid i mean. with the cute metal spoon-stirrer-straw. poor in more chocolate to make it thicker.
Fondue came with 3 candle pots with dark chocolate, milk chocolate, and i think white chocolate in each pot, in liquid form. they were hot hot hot!

Savour the range of chocolates with tiny pieces of bread, marshmallows, strawberries and bananas.

Half-coated strawberry.

Drench your tiny marshmallows in milk chocolate whee!

It's so sinfully delicious that don almost wanted to pierce his tongue with the fork like the indians.

I love strawberries gimme more!

Here's their range of solid chocolates.

Closer view.

Buy them off the shelves!

The bar.
Ok time to go for lesson. i'll blog about my lovely valentine's day later. hope you guys had a good one too!
ps. i have no idea why the pics are so huge cos they're not supposed to. bahhhh
dara left a footprint @
2:53 PM
Monday, February 13, 2006
I'm sorry that i haven't been updating my blog. i've got a lot of things 2 say really but no time 2 type them down. and when i've finally got the time i forgot what i was gonna say.
Anyway, i've just sent a birthday wish to an ex-boyfriend who did not seem to respect what birthdays mean to me. i am truly impressed by how big-hearted i am sometimes.
I was dining at a vegetarian restaurant with family and brother-in-law's grandma on sun when i suddenly saw wilson tham walking in! waahaha! and the coincidence didn't end there. my dad actually knew his dad haha and we looked obviously amused. we both live in hougang and we both came from lousy ajc and he's my baby bear ('mortal' in the angel mortal game). whee~~ and we're both in the miscellaneous... er i mean business team for hall production. and i like to copy his line.
I also realised i can't survive on a vegetarian diet.
Don & i had a make-up valentine's date on sat since he'll be stuck at paya lebar on tues-the-day-itself. photos will be uploaded soon i promise. but he kinda asked me to stay in my room at night. i have no idea what's gonna happen. maybe nothing's gonna happen. but
Anuja says: oooooh he's gonna give you a surprise!
Desiree says: he wants you to stay in your room so that you cannot date other guys lah.
Kyle says: no lah he's gonna date other girls so he doesn't want you to go out and bump into him accidentally.
This is the kind of friends i have!
dara left a footprint @
11:55 PM
Sunday, February 05, 2006
The past week has been crazy. since the start of cny.... till now. i've been crazily rushing work like mad, travelling from place to place, trying to fufill my responsibilities in choir as well as in hall production. and Some People are not helping by playing tricks around. like what wilson said before, "chu-ing all sorts of pattern with me". haha...
Blah! but my crazy week ended yesterday by babysitting some 20 school kids from Anglican High to KR for a production workshop. i introduced myself and they started calling me xiao jing ling non stop. BRATS.
Rushed over after that to send wenyan off at the airport. hmmm how should i say this. hadn't particularly been very close to her, but could relate to her well in certain issues. she's very good to talk with. wasn't veryVERY sad to see her go but when i saw some people around me started crying i could feel a little tears welling up inside my eyes. i guess crying is contagious.
Learnt a lesson over the week. saying 'i miss you' to someone you love might not make him feel happy at all. i'm never gonna say it ever again.
dara left a footprint @
9:45 PM
Friday, February 03, 2006
We went to wenyan's house for some steamboat, mahjong and gossips on tues. ms hu wenyan is leaving for australia tomorrow! everyone's going away :(

From left, top row, eunice and trudi. bottom row, me, kitwei and wenyan.
I'll never forget the time when wenyan said she should assume an angmo name since she's going to an angmo country. and because her surname is 'hu' which resembles 'who', we should call her fuck and she will be 'fuck who'? better still, her full name would be 'fuck who? wenyan'. angmos who call each other by their last names will call her 'who?'.
That's the best thing about her, not afraid to crack jokes that could tarnish her own reputation.
All the best to you girl. we'll all miss yooooooooou =)
I made a trip over to NTU today to put up some publicity posters. it's so quiet around campus. didn't see much people walking around. maybe the place is too big and the people are all spread out. sunny says NTU is like China to him, so far and everyone speaks chinese there. haha... as the saying goes, 'shuo hua yu, cool!' what.
But it feels more like a campus to me, at least. going to the arts canteen at NUS is like going to some kopitiam beside my house. NUS feels like a neighbourhood to me. no 'school' feeling.
And like i said, i feel like a part-time student. i don't feel like i'm in school everyday at all.
dara left a footprint @
10:43 PM